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Recommended Books for IIT JEE Preparation

Now, lots of aspirants are applied for IIT JEE examination to score high marks. Preparation of the examination will begin by choosing best books. It makes students score good marks on self-study without going coaching center. The student has the different way to practice for the examination in these days. Collection of books and online study materials are available at present. The books are covered with the complete structure of the exam pattern. The books help you to answer correctly on given time. Here we listed important books for JEE main exam 2022 preparation. If you are searching to choose books for the examination, then prefer any one of below-given books. These are highly recommended books for IIT JEE Entrance Exam.

Name of the Subject

Name of the BooksAuthors Name



Problems in General PhysicsI.E Irodov

Easy to undestand concepts of physics and  helps to solve complicated problmes.  

Aptitude test problems in physidsKrotov
Concepts of Physica Vol I and IIH.C.Verma

It covers all topics  that related to JEE exam and help to undergo preparatiion.


Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations


This book provide clea concepts to sovle numerical problmes.  It is finest chocie to perpare for JEE entrance exam.

A Master Resource Book in Chemistry for JEE MainSanjay sharma

It is best study material for people those who like to write JEE exam. In the book you can see solved question papers and various chapeters.

Wiley’s Physical Chemistry for JEE Wiely

It offers fundemantels of chemistry and problem solving techniques.


39 Years’ Chapterwise Topicwise Solved Papers (2017-1979) IIT JEE MathematicsAmit M agarwal

It contains solved question papers year wise. It helps to score good marks in entrance exam.

JEE Main Complete Mathematics Ravi prakesh, Usha G, Ajay Kumar

It  is the easiest and most scoring part of JEE exam. It combined with pactice anc theory. In the book you can find current exam pattern of mathematic and contains twenty eight chaperts.   You  can get some trips to solve problmes on time.

JEE Main exam

JEE Main PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) Career Point Kota,CP Editorial 

It is best guide to prepare JEE main exam and contains test papers.

TARGET JEE Main 2018 Disha experts

It has sixteen solved question papers and mock tests. With the latest eidition you can crack questions  in requried time. Hence, it offer complete solution for all papers and covered with necessary concepts.

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